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iStock_000009584051XSmallExpectant moms need an extra dose of iron to accommodate the new demand made on their bodies. The National Academy of Science recommends an additional 30 mg of iron to be taken daily. Upon their first doctor’s visit expectant moms are instructed to take a prenatal vitamin that includes this additional supplement as well as various others but there is no more delicious a way to get that extra nutrition than “Grandma’s Lentil Soup”.

This recipe was given to me by a good friend whose family has passed it down through several Italian generations. A key thing to remember is do not omit any of the ingredients. It is this precise combination that makes this the best lentil soup you will ever have!

Here is the recipe

¾ cup lentil soaked and cleaned
3 cloves of garlic diced
¾ cup onion, diced
2 tablespoons of olive oil
3 medium carrots, cleaned and sliced
3 celery stalks, diced
3 cups escarole, cleaned and chopped
3 cups of low sodium chicken stock
1 cup purified water

In 3 quart pan, sauté garlic, onion and olive oil until soft.
Add chicken stock, carrots, celery, escarole and purified water.
Cook at medium heat for 6 minutes. Turn heat down to low and cook for 30 to 45 minutes depending on how tender you prefer your lentils. For a thicker soup uncover at 30 minutes and allow for continued cooking until desired thickness.

A complimentary thing to do for greater iron absorption is to eat food rich in vitamin C in conjunction with food that is rich in iron. Iron absorption enhancer are broccoli, tomato, green and red peppers, orange juice, strawberries, grapefruit and cantaloupe.
Rich source of plant-derived iron are lentils, kidney bean, lima bean, soybean, spinach and tofu.

I hope that you will love this recipe as much as I.
Bon appetit!

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